Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Clarity is the Soul of Something

This morning, I sent out this announcement:

Nearly a year ago, Stephen Glenn asked a crew of 65 hardcore gamers about their favorite games. After much delay, the results of "The Official & Completely Authoritative 100 Best Games of All Time Ever Without Question" are about to be published at

The One Hundred

Think of it as an online VH1 special, only without the cheesy 80's celebrity hosting... well, unless you count Stephen & I as children of the 80's and/or cheesy.

The countdown begins next Wednesday (11/3)!

Many of you were confused by the announcement, which contained unusual English words, like "about to be published" and "begins next Wednesday". Evidently, I set my Clarity Level on "inscrutable" before typing.

Let's try again, shall we?

The One Hundred now has an official blogsite - which will be filled in over the next month with the results of Snoop's hard work. I will be updating it almost every day, so you'll want to check back and/or put us in your RSS feeder. The actual list will start going public on Wednesday, November 3rd. (I'd call it D-Day, but as many times as we've tried to put this thing into print form, it's probably up to Q-Day or P-Day by now.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this is how the 2005/2006 incarnation of The Apples Project turned out, hmm? :-)

Looking forward to seeing the results. If there are any other LiveJournal users out there, I've syndicated the feed as < lj user="the_one_hundred" > (without the spaces, obviously).

4:45 PM  

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