According to, Spades was invented in the US in the 1930s. Lacking the depth of Bridge, it's still one of the most popular partner-based card games today due to its simplicity of play. At #81 in the countdown, it proves it's more than just a "let's play cards on Friday night in the dorm cuz none of us have girlfriends" kind of game.[Mark: Oh, yeah... sorry. Channeling my freshman year of college there...] Ben Baldanza: "Best classic game ever."
Stephen Glenn: "I could never get into Bridge because of its convoluted scoring and complicated bidding conventions. The fact that it's played with a partner practically obliges one to devote some study to the game. That not interesting me in the slightest, I find Spades to be a fun, exciting substitute."
I think it's awesome that Spades made the list. This was THE game for me for the longest time - middle school and high school years. But it's tough to find a good Spades partner these days.
Can you guys just ignore my comments? I'm realizing they make absolutely NO sense.
Spades good.
There. Those are my updated comments.
Urrghh. Spades good. Fire Bad. Stephen smart. Urrghh.
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